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Saturday, April 02, 2005

And Life Moves On

We went to Oslo (Norway) on Thursday. The reason for selecting Oslo was that it was very cheap (220 SEK = $31 for Göteborg-Oslo return ticket via Säfflebussen). It was a trip of the poor/ students so you can guess that we avoided everything that would have made us pay money. We saw the Royal Palace, the Parliament and a military base. The first shock for me was that there was no border at all; not even a sign board. I've traveled a lot between Rawalpindi and Azad Kashmir; there at least we say "Welcome to Azad Kashmir" and Jehlum River acts as a natural boundary. And the other shock was that a military base was open for public; not the offices but the general area.

We came back the same day. Yesterday, I got result of the exams for the third term. I got 5's in all the courses, Alhumdo Lillah. This means full GPA in 3 terms, 8 courses. There are 2 courses/ one term left. Despite taking all these courses and working on some exotic stuff, I feel as if I haven't learnt anything. Since our undergraduate from FAST was of 3 years, it seems more like a 4th year of my undergraduate to me.

I topped Software Engineer using Formal Methods course and Reiner Hähnle congratulated me. I have almost decided my thesis to be based on Deductive Search for Errors in Free Data Type Specifications using Model Generation, which means that I need to study a lot, because at present I don't even know what a Free Data Type is.

Time runs too fast. Last term inspires me to make full use of my time, which I haven't been able to uptil now. Let's see. Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

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